Living Fully

Stinking Thinking

Become aware of your thoughts, feelings, emotions, beliefs, patterns, actions and STRESS that create limitations in your self development, emotional maturity, and relationships that keep you from reaching your fullest potential.  

iRest, tapping, psycho drama, yoga and meditation all helpful.
Individual or group sessions available. See details below.

Radical Forgiveness

Fear, resentment, revenge, anger, hatred, bitterness, jealousy, guilt, and shame can create a harmful toxic environment inside of you that can poison your spirit, mind and body creating mental and emotional disharmony and physical diseases. 

Create space for new awareness through tapping, iRest, meditation and yoga.
Practice mindfulness, gratitude and empathy exercises.

Individual or group sessions available. See details below.

Private Consulation

1 ½ hour initial consultation ~ $108
*Healthscope scan not included and has a separate fee scale. Ask for details.
Additional 1 hour sessions ~ $60

Friends Special Rate

2 people ~ $30 per person for 1 hour
(after initial consultation session)

Decide to Live Fully through holistic self care

Contact Susie

Susie Holzshuh | Empowered Self Care Educator
574.584.5681 |

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