Healthscope Scan
Do you want to increase your vitality, energy and healthy health?
This is a great place to start!
Healthscope Scan
provides a snapshot view of your body’s health right now and gives you valuable information concerning the exact support you need to reach optimal wellness and track your progress.
Charts over 100 nutrients including fruits, vegetables, nuts, meats, dairy, and grains which are the most or least compatible with you. Matches 150 individual herbs, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, essential oils, supplements, cleansers, probiotics, omegas, antioxidants, enzymes, bach flower remedies and homeopathics to your individual physiology. Points out sensitivities and allergies to hundreds of foods.
NASA based laser-technology
using an all-in-one, non-invasive test of hair and skin samples. Provides a comprehensive analysis including a 12 page complete physiology report.
Checks ALL internal organs, glands, allergies, stress levels, hormones, metabolism, inflammation, liver, kidneys, thyroid, brain, heart, lungs, pancreas and adrenals. Checks for vitamin, mineral, amino acid, essentials, toxins, and pathogen levels. Checks lead, mercury, aluminum, cadmium, candida, parasites, fungus, mold, yeast and food incompatibilities
Order your Healthscope Scan Today
Scan includes a 12 Page Report by email ~ $345.00
Scan results will be received within 2 to 4 weeks.
Mailed copy of the scan ~ $30.00
Rush Fee will get the report back within 3-4 days ~ $75.00
1 hour phone consultation with a trained practitioner to read and interpret the scan and design an individual protocol and nutritional plan for you to follow ~ $150.00
Contact Susie
Susie Holzshuh | Empowered Self Care Educator
574.584.5681 |
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