Embodied Living

Get the Body Moving

20 minutes per day ~ and switch it up!
Learn something new!
Do it alone or with a friend or partner or family.
Get outside and unplug from all electronic devises.
HAVE FUN! Enjoy and laugh!

If you are always going full on with your exercise, create balance by incorporating yin yoga, gentle yoga, ballet, mindful walking, ballroom dancing or hiking.

If you move very little, again, create balance. Step it up! Consider jogging/walking as fast as you can, hiking, swimming, cardio, zumba or biking. (If you are under physician care, please consult with your preferred physician. If you have ANY health or physical restrictions, do what your physical has given you permission to do.)

Breath of Life Series

Literally and physiologically change your body's chemistry
from flight or fight to well-being by learning how to breathe properly.
Empowered Self Care offers private or group classes: Chair Yoga, Kripalu Gentle Yoga, Body Block Therapy and more. See details below.

Learn how to breath the mind into the body through different techniques
iRest, chair yoga, tapping and chi gong.

Wash the heart with your breath and connect the mind to the body and spirit.

Private Consulation

1 ½ hour initial consultation ~ $108
*Healthscope scan not included and has a separate fee scale. Ask for details.
Additional 1 hour sessions ~ $60

Friends Special Rate

2 people ~ $30 per person for 1 hour
(after initial consultation session)

Decide to Live Fully through holistic self care

Contact Susie

Susie Holzshuh | Change your title to Empowered Self Care Educator
574.584.5681 | Susie@EmpoweredSelfCare.me

like us @EmpoweredSelfCare

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